Notes from Britta

What Is Really Needed for You to Receive Your Desires
Oct 2022

What Is Really Needed for You to Receive Your Desires

Being Prepared to Receive

It is so easy to say you want something… but we don’t always get everything we want in life, do we?

Have you ever wondered why that is? What is going on after you say you want something that leads you to receive it or not?

Let me shed some light on this for you.

To receive what you desire involves 2 elements:

-Being intimate with the present moment (being in a place of expansion and embodied). 

-Activating the feelings associated with what you desire.

1. How to Get Intimate with the Present Moment

“Be present” is probably a bit of a buzzword to you. I know I am one of many people you follow who has given that advice. What’s more helpful is telling you how to make it a practice in your life.

The fact is, to hold more in your life, you have to be able to direct where your attention goes, decipher what to focus on now, and let go of what’s not immediately important.

What this looks like:

When your ego flares up, giving you thoughts like…

I need to do this now because she is doing it!

I should scrap my plan and do this instead…

Wow, I was busy all day, but I feel like I didn’t get anything done…

Stop, breathe, and ask yourself: is this today’s business?

It might not always be obvious but remind yourself of what you want to receive and ASK yourself if the task you’re feeling called to take on serves that desire.

When you’re in a reactive mode vs a proactive mode, it means you are stuck in busy energy and you’re going to end your day feeling like you did a lot but didn’t accomplish anything that moved you forward to your desire.

That way of being needs to become unacceptable to you if you want to receive your desires. Every time you’re deciding how to spend your time, ask yourself – is this today’s business?

2. Activate the Feelings You Want to Feel

Did you know that no matter what your goal is, the “thing” you want to have isn’t the most important part? You’re after the feeling you believe that “thing” will generate.

Let me explain… if you want a new luxury handbag, or a new client, or an amazing love relationship… there is an underlying feeling underneath that you want, like success, security, or love.

Here is the amazing news… you have the power to generate the feelings within you right now.

For example, say self-confidence is the root feeling behind one of your desires. Your true self (embodied self not living in your head) is 100% self-confident all the time. Your job is to connect with your true self (or get embodied) as often as you can during the day vs falling victim to blocked or limited thinking about why you don’t already feel self-confident.

Take the intensity and pressure off receiving your goals and enjoy the process along the way.

Meditation, breathwork and somatic practices help with this, so learn how to do these practices and make them non-negotiable!

Exercise for you to prepare practice: 

Make a list of the Top 3 things you desire to create in your life right now.

For each one, identify the feeling underneath it.

Once you’ve done this, you can use it in 2 ways so you can prepare to receive your desires.

Before you work on anything during the day, check to see if it makes sense alongside one of your top 3. If it doesn’t, it might mean it’s not something “for today.”

Every day when you meditate, focus on connecting with your true self and feeling 1 of the feelings you listed.

It’s practicing the small things consistently that create the biggest changes. Take 1 thing from this article that resonates and practice it. Let me know what your biggest take away was.


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