Notes from Britta

Divorced, no plan, no job and then this happened…
Dec 2021

Divorced, no plan, no job and then this happened…

I remember my first time of collapse like it was yesterday.

Everything was uncertain… very much like it is now.

I was living in NYC, divorcing, selling my business and getting ready to leave Manhattan.

I put everything I owned in storage… and I had no plan. No job. And no income coming in.

In a matter of a month, my reality as I knew it had collapsed. My belief in all the external power I had, was gone instantly.

But the one thing I was so committed to was a daily morning meditation practice. No matter what.

I didn’t know what my next steps were. I had a vision of traveling the world and starting my own coaching business but I didn’t know how, what and when.

I will never forget one morning when I heard a firm, authoritative voice say, “Your only focus now is to build unshakable trust and I will lead the steps to a new reality beyond your wildest dreams”

Wow!!! At that moment I felt like this was the answer to life in a nutshell. This message came with deeper reflection of the fact that I had been so stuck in searching, seeking, pushing, fixing, forcing, and never arriving at fully feeling fulfilled, at peace and free in all areas of my life.

I was always falling short because I was always compromising somewhere.

I was on purpose but my marriage was falling apart, I had a successful business but I was burned out and working all hours under the sun.

And then it struck me… I was leading my life with an energy of deficit…

The energy that says “I can’t have it all, and be at peace and ease”….

The energy that I was programmed to operate from that led me to believe that in order to have one thing I must give up another. That I would always lose somehow.

Does this sound like you?

Do you feel you have to give up something in order to feel fully free and wealthy in all areas of your life?

This is not living in God’s economy.

It’s living under the fear-based system and it’s time to dissolve that for good!

You have been following “methods” and “strategies” diligently but something is blocking your intentions from coming into reality both in business and in life.

Up until now…

Fast forward to today, and now I see that my personal collapse was the birth of my new reality!

As I traveled the world on my own, I started my own coaching business, made over $200k on my first year, attracted my dream clients, I united with my soul family, strengthened my relationship with God, healed a 24-year eating disorder and never felt more rich in my own spirit, power and freedom!

There is an energy that transmutes struggle when you make the decision to surrender and trust!

And these shifts can happen for you too. If it happened to me it can happen for you…

You no longer have to be frustrated, fearful, exhausted and controlling.

So my question to you is, what is that new reality that you are desiring to create?

✔️Is it to run your own successful business?

✔️Have complete control over your time so you can spend time with your kids?

✔️Having a consistent morning ritual that sets your day for success?

✔️Attracting and opening doors to new opportunities of financial abundance?

✔️Traveling the world as you serve your mission?

✔️Having unshakable faith so you can take risks you have never been able to before? 

Whatever it is for you… you are ready to create this now…

I teach people how to dissolve their fears, build unshakable faith, create a vision and take action!

But what I know is most important above all, is that we all need to rise above the constant talking about our narratives of deficit and scarcity and start focusing on training our vibration and frequency to reside at the vibration wealth, full trust and aliveness.

This is where we can get more of what we desire.

This level of acceptance grants you permission to rise above the experiences of lack and problems!!

And then EVERYTHING will find you!

The money, relationships, opportunities, your healthy body weight, your glow…

It’s time to press a reset.

It’s time to start living in the assets of your life.

It’s time to birth YOUR new reality…even as everything around you is collapsing and feels uncertain.

And the fastest path there is to learn how to balance and harmonize yourself to a higher frequency on a physical, emotional and mental level and restore your own energy and capacity to hold more and transcend what you see “out there”. 

When you align with a higher vibration and hold steady there, you will Quantum leap in your life in every way.

It’s time to stop managing symptoms, playing small and “practicing”…You are ready to truly birth a NEW REALITY.


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