Notes from Britta

How to Set Energetic Boundaries
Oct 2022

How to Set Energetic Boundaries

I’m going to talk about one of my all-time favorite concepts…. Energy. Specifically, how to set energetic boundaries (which is so critical right now as so much detoxing from old traumas and patterns is being purified in the collective).

Energetic boundaries help protect you from people, places, and things that drain your energy (usually unbeknownst to you!). They also help you stay calm and stable in the midst of environmental stressors and life’s unpredictable flow that can knock us off our center. Let’s dive in!

How to Set Energetic Boundaries

For lightworkers like us, here are 2 main ways our energy gets depleted along with the top energetic solution to handling each!

1. Energy Vampires

You are likely an empath or highly sensitive, which means you are more susceptible to people who feed off others’ energies (aka energy vampires).

Now, this isn’t meant to be a negative knock on these people, I’m simply describing an interesting phenomenon that developed in social settings. We see it today in the form of codependent relationships or as a consequence of mental illness. It’s important to mention here because like I said, empathic/sensitive people like us are more susceptible to falling into relationships with these types of people.

Solution: Draw a line in the sand.

Once you’ve identified an energy vampire in your life, you may use this exercise to prevent them from feeding off you. Repeat this exercise daily for a week to establish a strong energetic boundary within yourself.

Imagine the person where they are, relative to where you are in your moment of practice. Notice the ideal distance that you would prefer to have this person from you. This is a distance that feels healthy and where you know you are safe. Draw a line in the sand at this distance that clearly marks how far you will allow that person to extend their energy towards you.

Even if you are physically in the same room with the person, you may have a line in the sand 100 yards away. We are working energetically in a way that defies space and time. Commit to not crossing this line towards them either. Reinforcing the intention of this line will change the way you interact together and what you allow in the relationship.

2. Personal Rhythm

Many of us are adhering to a rhythm of life that isn’t quite suiting us. If you feel overwhelmed, then that’s a sign that you are moving at an inappropriate rhythm in your life.

For example, the “9-5” or “Monday-Friday” rhythms are both masculine presets that can easily throw you into a state of overwhelm.

Solution: Defining your own personal rhythm. Take some time to discover the pace of life that suits you best and leaves you feeling energized.

Note: This will require testing. What I mean by that is it may take you implementing many different tweaks over a period of a few weeks to really settle on a rhythm that suits you.

Here are some ideas on what to try tweaking:

  • Commit to less than you usually do. Take things that are not necessary off your plate!
  • Let go of rushing. Move more slowly.
  • Plan more time in between tasks. Create space throughout your day.
  • If your pace is too slow, use a timer and something fun like music to quicken you.
  • Break old molds like the 9-5 or Monday to Friday. Innovate your schedule and chunk your time to your liking!

What is one action you’re going to take to set up energetic boundaries in your life? Share in the comments.

Once you have mastered this it can truly be life changing!


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