Notes from Britta

4 Things to Do Now to Replenish Your Energy, Heart and Soul
Aug 2022

4 Things to Do Now to Replenish Your Energy, Heart and Soul

I wanted to share what I heard in my listening session on Friday during my meditation in hopes that it can bring you some soothing and nourishment to your heart and soul and shift your energy. 

During this awakening, as tough as it has been, it’s so important to keep a vertical gaze (on God) at all times and off our horizontal problems (the world).

In the midst of so much darkness and chaos, our function is to stay focused on the power of love.

That doesn’t mean we don’t feel our feelings. We are gentle as we feel our deepest shadows emerge.

We embrace them.

And we thank them and with our love and compassion as they are ushered out.

We take a moment and allow the density and heaviness to move out of us as we breathe deeply.

And then we breathe even deeper.

I heard how imperative it is right now to go into prayer and meditation until we feel renewed, lifted, restored and centered.

Some of you may be needing more rest and alone time than usual. Let that happen. Don’t judge it. 

I was asked by Spirit to not travel and prioritize rest and healing for the last 12 months and as hard as it was to not “move” I stayed put and it was a game changer. I was being taught the power of rest. 

Some of you might be called to do the same. This your “fuel station” where restoration of your strength and spiritual immunity happens. 

This is where you get the vaccine of love and connection to a higher power.

Ego’s job is to deceive and distract us with its lies of fear.

To win this battle of spiritual warfare in our mind, you can choose to see the lies as weeds in your heart and mind and see Spirit as the gardener that has the power to dissolve these weeds.

And to do just that here are some of the most potent ways to stay lifted, energized and centered right now:

  1. Sit in stillness so your mind can be renewed and your heart can be healed
  2. Pray and then pray some more. For the sanity  of your mind, for your loved ones, our president and everyone in the front lines in the medical system. For protection of our planet.
  3. Choose to trust even when we can’t see a way out. Through all the trials, choose to trust. Because as the Course in Miracles tells us that to have Faith is to HEAL! And that Faith is the acknowledgement of UNION. This dissolves the lie of separation!

Choose to bathe in gratitude for all that you do have in this moment and for all the blessings you do have. Remembering that this present moment is THE miracle. Gratitude destroys fear’s influence over our perception immediately. Use this weapon frequently and wisely. A complaining spirit kills in a variety of ways and distracts you from the abundance that IS here right now.

While there is so much that is going sideways on our fractured planet, there is so much that is going right.

We are birthing a new earth, a new way. 

And there will be growing pains.

But we are safe.

Have faith and most importantly TRUST THE PLAN 🙏

We might not know the future, but we trust Spirit who does know and his plan is perfect!


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