Notes from Britta

Total Lunar Eclipse Candle Ritual
May 2022

Total Lunar Eclipse Candle Ritual

Have you noticed the wild energetic frequency lately?

This energetic shift began with the Solar Eclipse on April 30th ushering us into a powerful 34-day eclipse season.

And right now, Mercury is officially in retrograde, and Jupiter just moved into Aries, making this *THE* time to tune into your own needs.

What are you needing right now? Make this a priority above all else in the next few weeks.

The Scorpio Total Lunar Eclipse, brings one of the most transformative and powerful Full Moons of the year.

It really is the perfect time to raise your vibration, transform and make huge shifts in your life.

You have the opportunity to cleanse and clear what no longer serves you for your highest good and for your magical path unfolding ahead of you and by completing or tying up any loose ends to welcome in opportunities for growth & evolution on all energetic levels.

To help you take advantage of this special time of the year and to make changes to reach your potential here’s a Total Lunar Eclipse Candle Ritual:

Note: This ritual uses a candle to support in manifesting your intentions. You will need one candle. The color should be aligned with your intentions, and if you aren’t sure which color to use, white is always a great option.

Lunar Eclipse Candle Ritual:

1. Write a list of three new things you want to bring into your life during this moon cycle. These could include a new job, a relationship, an apartment, etc.

2. Set an affirmation that aligns with your new list of intentions. Here’s an example: “It is fun and easy to make $5K a month in my photography business.”⭐️Get your candle ready. Remember, you can pick the color based on your goal. Recite your affirmation three times as you light your candle.

3. Set a timer for about 10 mins and start imagining that you are living your affirmation. Visualize as many details as you can.

4. Repeat the above steps, for a couple of days after today’s new moon. Watch the magic happen.

Enjoy the journey of this Eclipse season. Open yourself up to the information, emotions, and feelings that this Lunar Eclipse ritual brought up for you. Know that the Universe is always here to support you and your journey. Most importantly, remember to trust your path.

Let me know what came up for you. I would love to hear what shifted or was revealed.




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