Build Your Destiny Business

A proven business blueprint for HEALERS, COACHES, & VISIONARIES to build and scale rooted in ease & expansion


Starts June 5th, 2024 – May 7th 2025 for 12 months

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You’re a driven sensitive soul who…

Runs towards his/her edges because you have a greater vision and mission, for your business, for your life, and for the impact you’re here to weave in the collective.

You desire to start and expand your business to 6 figures, as you lead a big and delicious life…

…and you’re desiring sustainable business growth that feels easeful and peaceful in your nervous system.

Now, in the world of personal development and business coaching, you’ve got a smorgasbord of strategies, mind-bending millionaire mindset hacks, and mind-boggling systems, all teaching you how to have a business and make money.

But guess what?
The real secret is this:

The cash flow you dream of… The calm vibes, the bliss, and the sheer joy you want in your business and life… All come from having a nervous system that feels safe with the idea of more money flowing in and being seen, and it does it all with a laid-back, peaceful attitude.

Are you ready to?


✦ leave your job behind and start your own business helping people with your gifts? 

✦ be seen as an expert in your niche & have an online presence within a few short months?

✦ learn how to self-soothe and regulate emotional  reactions when s$&t hits the fan (anxiety, frustration, anger, stress, etc)

✦ learn how to turn work off when you’re not working on it so you can enjoy your life 

✦ increase your capacity to be seen and have the courage and confidence to share your message with the world 

✦ have a community list of 1500-3000+ people that trust you, are hot leads and want to learn and buy from you? 

✦ learn a proven lead generation process proven to work and fill your programs? 

✦ break through glass ceilings and make 2024 your year where you take your life to the next level? 

✦ do this with a small group of souls that are also brave to take the leap to start or scale their business? 

Then I have a very special and sacred container just for you… 

Where I will mentor you on launching a full business with a proven process — You just have to follow the proven steps that I will lay out for you. 

I’m BRI and I’ve been where you’re at! What changed? I did.

Triggers, a dysregulated nervous system, emotional spirals, and negative and limited thought patterns are not a fun or healthy way to run a business. From experience, I discovered significant quantum leaps when we can first remove these low frequencies by bringing safety into the nervous system and making room for higher frequencies. In doing so, you will become an energetic match to whatever you desire.

I’m excited to help you expand and embody limitless freedom.


This is my very popular, very powerful somatic business-building blueprint that I have only taught privately for 1:1 clients in the past years! For the first time ever,  I am launching it in an incubator group style where I take 10 souls through the process of building their business from the ground up as we address your mindset, nervous system, capacity, belief system, visibility blocks, money wounds and learn 10 new business skills all within a year! 

It’s what I’ve been studying & have been doing behind the scenes for 20+ years as the creator and founder of a successful skincare brand that I ran for 10 years and then the creation of my current life coaching and global retreat business… and I’ve packaged it into an incredible 12-month container that will change the trajectory of your life and business. It’s a complete immersion program where you will have a running business that is making money before we end the year together anchored in ease and calm. 

You will work directly with me alongside 9 other sensitive entrepreneurs to start a business from scratch and have paying clients before 12 months.

Why is the Somatic Business Building Incubator Different? 




Somatic Business Building Incubator is not just a business building blueprint, but it’s also a place to expand your capacity to feel safe to step into new territory, to expand in ways you haven’t been able to before, and learn proven tools to regulate your nervous system to be able to be present in your body for your business and enjoy the process.

My story of burnout to regulation…

I have always been very driven and quite empathic, and also felt like I was not allowed to honor my sensitivity as a author and CEO living in New York running her own company.

Not realizing what I needed as an empath, creative, mission-driven sensitive entrepreneur, and not realizing how disconnected I was from my body, I lived in my head. This is where desire lives, in the mind. And I have always had big dreams. But because I wasn’t in touch with my body, which is where capacity (space available to hold things) is, I always focused on desire over capacity and I found myself in burnout time and time again not knowing why.

It wasn’t until I started to study Somatic Work that I learned that I have been pretty much living most of my life beyond capacity. Which meant I pushed myself past my own limits when my body was screaming STOP. And because I couldn’t hear when my body would speak to me, I found myself in exhaustion constantly. This is the cycle of energy debting. 

What did I do to cope?  I had to go into coping mechanisms to numb the fact that I was always betraying my own limits and body. I drank excessively, used food to self-soothe, and went on shopping sprees. All as a way to try to regulate myself and come back into my body. And I know this is how many entrepreneurs are living today- exhausted, pushing past their limits, and on stress mode most of the time. 

But the truth is, that your most aligned, God-given, Destiny Business would never ask you to compromise or put you into harm’s way and make you suffer. 

Only an unhealed nervous system that has very little capacity, where you are in a constant state of fight or flight would lead you to take those actions. 

Sensitive souls like you and me who easily get overwhelmed and who struggle with push energy, need a different approach — they need a soulful approach! 

Men and women that want to build a business that they are passionate about and from a place of service, need to have as much space to BE as they do to BUILD. 

Joy, relaxation, laughter, time off, and being present and in your body are qualities that a CALM CEO embodies.

The business blueprint that gives me time and money freedom

So many people have made comments over the last 8 years about how lucky I am that I can travel wherever I want, for as long as I need to, and run my business on my own terms from anywhere in the world. 

 It is a true luxury. And while I know many jobs have gone remote since Covid, I created this life of time and money freedom in 2015 and it has been a dream come true! 

I PROVED to myself that I am BEYOND capable, I gained an incredible amount of confidence, and learned so many new skills that added huge value to who I was serving and it was one of the most esteemable things I have ever done. Starting a business from scratch and making money within 6  months as I traveled the world on my own only working 3 days a week wasn’t something I thought was possible. It has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done! 

Computer by pool

The 3 main limiting beliefs that I hear from people who want to leave their jobs and start their own businesses are: 

  • that they don’t believe that anyone will pay for their products and services and…
  • that they don’t know “how” to create an online business or grow an audience that will buy their products and services
  • that they feel overwhelmed by even thinking of how to start a business from scratch and still have space and capacity to live their life 

These 3 were also my own blocks before starting my company 9 years ago, but this is where I had to raise the standards for my life and I made it a MUST to succeed. I was scared but when you make things a “MUST”, you will find a way and the right people and resources will appear to support that decision and vision. Always in all ways.

Learning your value and worth as a healer, coach, or creator of your products and services as well as healing your nervous system is an inside job that can only come by doing the deal (yes taking action even if you don’t believe it yet!) and sometimes it means you have to do it afraid. And that taking action will lead you to see that what you have to offer is valuable and people will buy & become customers and clients. 

 There is an incredible opportunity to make money online these days and get out of a confined, outdated job infrastructure and the cycle of overworking and pushing.  And if you don’t have a strategy to do so, or a nervous system that gets overwhelmed easily, this doesn’t mean you are stuck or are not supposed to do it, it just means you need to learn this skill both in business building and nervous system regulation. 

The guidance for me has always been: find someone who has done it and has had success and have them teach you exactly how to do it! 

 And this is where I come in. If you are someone who is ready to have a pivotal year and learn how to sell your products and services online from a place of ease and expansion so you can have the time and money freedom that I have, then this incubator is your next step!

When I started my business 9 years ago, in just as little 12 months I was able to:

✔️ Position myself as an expert in my field through an online event that attracts my ideal clients 

✔️ Build a turn-key lead generation process that attracts 1500-3000 potential clients

✔️ Learn the art of a webinar that converts 

✔️ Create content for private and group programs 

✔️ Master the art of sales 

✔️Learn how to email market and write emails that convert

✔️ Work 3 days a week and take the last week of the month off 

✔️ Make over $200k that first year 

✔️ Create my own schedule that allowed me to work 3 days a week 

Today, I help men and women who want to become entrepreneurs and build an online audience to sell their products and services so they can work from anywhere around the globe, creating their own schedule from an embodied, grounded, and connected place. All in under 12 months with a proven process!

This is the program for you if you:

  • Want to leave your 9-5 but need a bridge and proven blueprint to build your new business 
  • Want to make sure your body and mind are in alignment with your business vision 
  • Want to build a sense of safety and support to be able to take risks in your vision and be seen without sabotaging or having your nervous system short-circuit
  • Want to be able to stay embodied and be more resilient when things aren’t going your way 
  • Want to be part of a supportive & intimate community and like-minded sensitive entrepreneurs to build a business alongside with 
  • Want to feel safe and supported as you step out into the unknown of entrepreneurship 
  • Already have a business but would like to be able to impact people across the globe 
  • Know that you work better with accountability as you break out of your comfort zone 
  • Want to build more capacity to be seen 
  • Already have a business but do not have an email list or you do not have a signature program
  • Already have a business but you are exhausted, burned out, and not making money 
  • Want a simpler proven business model 
  • Want to be in your zone of genius and seen as an expert in your field 
  • Want to live more and be more PRESENT…this means working fewer hours a day and creating your own schedule 
  • Want to relate to your business from a place of ease rather than overwhelm

When you regulate your nervous system in business, you will:

  • Open up your receiving capacity for more peace + profit”
  • Step into the confident self who effortlessly embraces your desires.
  • Lead yourself and your clients with power and composure.
  • Unlock a wellspring of creative ideas to supercharge your programs and messaging.
  •  Manage multiple aspects of your business with Zen-like peace and ease, ensuring smooth scaling.
  •  You easily attract amazing clients because you’re vibrating at a higher frequency
  • Allow SAFETY into your body anytime as you grow to new heights in business

Testimonials from past participants

”Before the Somatic Business Building Process, I was feeling lost and uncertain about my authenticity & purpose. I was in performance and people pleasing mode and I was burning out. I knew that I wanted to serve other burnt out souls, but I wasn’t connecting, so unsure about how to do it and feeling exhausted, unsure how to connect back with me, my authenticity and re-align with my values. Britta so skillfully supported me with defining questions and soulful precise guidance in getting clear about who I am, who my client is, and what my gift is. She helped me see that my passion for serving others is deeply intertwined with my personal journey. I created a program I am passionate about and energized about. It’s on fire and it’s connecting wildly to new clients”
– Katy R.

“I love the incredibly organized approach to how you teach, and the built-in support around actually setting up the systems and infrastructure to launch a business, a summit, and a coaching program. You also teach with unshakable trust in the process and you infuse me with that same trust in myself. I feel safely held and guided in this business incubator.”
– Eva G.

“I cannot express enough gratitude for the transformative journey I experienced under Britta’s guidance as my coach. Her motivational style ignited a fire within me to break free from my limiting beliefs around launching my new business. With her unwavering support and encouragement, I found the courage & capacity to go beyond what I thought was possible. I shifted fears and barriers. From creating a robust mailing list to organizing an inspiring online women’s retreat and hosting a live webinar, I felt empowered and unstoppable. With her clear and loving approach, Bri led me through the process of launching a comprehensive 6-month program, propelling me to achieve even greater heights. If you find yourself yearning for a profound leap in your life, an upleveling that pushes you through your fears and nervous system expansion, Bri is undeniably the coach you need. I am grateful for her guidance, and I recommend Bri to anyone seeking to embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery and empowerment.”
– Shannon B.

“I love the fact that you keep reminding us that what we’re going through is normal and to trust the process. I have had my share of frustrations and road blocks, but you have been right there next to me to figure things out then to help me move forward again. I could not do this without you”. ”
– Catherine G.

“I’m loving the whole process explicitly the hiccups! After floundering for over a year trying to find direction and get my business going….Bri gratefully came into my field to show me the path. Regulating my nervous system through this learning and growth has been instrumental and has expanded how I view myself as a coach. I am beyond grateful to be in the step I’m in. Thank you Bri and team!”
– Sarah E.

Yes, you too CAN become THE CALM CEO of your own business when you take the simple, easy, and effective practical actions (prioritized for you) while shifting your energy and beliefs around money, success, and visibility and being held in a fun, loving container of accountability. (It works, as many before you have experienced when I offered it for private clients only! 

This is for anyone who knows they have a calling, mission, and vision to start their own business but don’t know how or where to start. For those who feel like they don’t have the confidence or skills to build and launch a business and make money at it. And for anyone that wants a proven step-by-step process to leave your 9-5 pm and start making money within 6  months  WITHOUT the toxic hustle, stress, and overwhelm.

What’s Included

  • 3 – 90 minute Group Strategy Training & Implementation calls per month on how to start to build your business and make money (mindset and tactical) — led by Britta 
  • A community page as the main business-building hub for sharing, questions, and laser coaching 
  • Access to Proven Templates of all emails, processes, and strategies that will be yours for life to rinse and repeat in the future. This means once you leave this incubator, you will know how to build a list, lead a webinar, have sales calls, create a program from scratch, and email market to your audience. 
  • Review of all systems and copy by Britta 
  • 2 (Two) half day virtual retreats throughout the year 
  • Lifetime Access to all training by downloading all the recordings.

What’s Not Included

  • Fees to set up your business:  software, URL’s, and CRMs needed to build the platform for your online list-building event and for your landing pages. (See below for details) 
  • Virtual Assistant – to help you build out your list-building event, do all the backend setup, and help with some admin tasks. We have a great team we can recommend 
  • Graphic designer to help with promo images and banners for our time together 
  • Legal counsel to set up program & client agreements 
  • Fees to register a business if you don’t have a business entity set up yet [pricing varies by state]
  • Optional: bookkeeper/accountant to help with taxes and bookkeeping
  • Optional: Virtual Assistant for additional support

Additional fees to set up business list

  • Business License: $25+ depending on where you are at and if you do not have a business set up (one-time fee) 
  • Domain Name for website: $20+ (one time fee) 
  • Hostgator Hatchling plan hosting for your domain name: $3.75/month
  • Aweber Pro autoresponder: $20/month
  • Optimize press SUITE: $199/yr
  • Vimeo Pro/Standard: $20/month
  • Stripe (no fee) 
  • Zoom: $20/mth 
  • Acuity or Calendly: $15-25  (or any other calendar booking platform) 
  • Landing page set up $95


Your 12-month container starts June 5th 

Business Girl

The 12-month curriculum

  • Remove fears, anxiety, and lack of trust that keep your nervous system stuck before we start building your business 
  • Learn tools and practices to increase capacity and regulate your nervous system so you can be resourced to be seen, receive more, and to hold more 
  • Anchor safety into your body as it becomes your new default as you grow your business without hustle, struggle, and overworking.
  • Identify how much you want to make and how much you want to work and we will create your business and vision plan for the year. 
  • Get clear on your avatar and who you are serving 
  • Get clear on who you are as a coach and healer what your niche is and what problem you help them solve 
  • Prepare your mindset & nervous system for the adventure you are about to embark on. Learn to stay in the step you are in, trust the process, and dissolve the blocks that will come up to leveling 
  • Learn the skill of list building by hosting an online event that positions you as an expert. 
  • Create a unique and transformative offering from A-Z for 6-9 months that will be your signature program to launch your business. 
  • Learn how to write copy for information and sales pages for your offering 
  • Learn how to create and put together webinars that convert 
  • Learn the art of email marketing and how to write copy for emails that get you discovery calls 
  • Learn the art of somatic selling. I will be right by you in real-time during your sales cycle to fill your program. 
  • Learn how to fill your program and how to set up the infrastructure to start teaching it
  • Learn how to upload and send emails from your platform so you can send emails at any time when creativity strikes. 

By the end of the 12 months, you will have learned 11 different skills: 

  1. How to self-regulate and build a felt sense of safety and support within your Nervous System
  2. How to increase the capacity to go into the unknown, be seen, and receive more 
  3. How to generate leads with a proven process 
  4. How to interview others and host events 
  5. How to write marketing copy for your offerings
  6. How to write emails that convert 
  7. How to create a program from A-Z
  8. How to sell and share your offerings to your new community 
  9. How to teach your offering 
  10. How to business plan your year  
  11. How to use AI to help with content 
  12. How to create a flash sale and a free gift to continue to generate leads 

And so much more…. 

When you step into God’s plan for your life and business and become brave to take the leap, you are in your most authentic state! You will notice your true self, MAGICAL things will begin to happen in your business! You will CREATE in business from a place of flowwww.


Group Program Schedule

We start June 5, 2024 – May 7th, 2025

✔️36 live classes

✔️13 integration weeks

✔️Class is every Wednesday at 2 pm ET for 90 minutes via Zoom video (see dates below)

✔️All calls will be recorded and in your dashboard with lifetime access

✔️2 half-day online retreats 

  • JUNE 5,12,19 (26th integration week)
  • JULY 10, 17, 24 (3rd &31st  integration weeks)
  • AUGUST 7,14, 21 (28th integration week)
  • SEPTEMBER 4,11th (18th & 25th integration weeks)
  • OCTOBER 9, 16,23,30 (2nd integration week)
  • NOVEMBER 6, 13, 20 (27th integration weeks)
  • DECEMBER 4, 11, 18 (25th integration week)
  • JANUARY 8,15,22 (2nd & 29th integration weeks)
  • FEBRUARY 5, 12, 19  (26th integration week)
  • MARCH 5, 12, 19 (26th  integration week)
  • APRIL 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (NO integration week)
  • MAY 7th (last class) 
  • Online half day retreats  – TBD 

Your Mentor & Teacher for the, Detox to Destiny Somatic Business Building Incubator

Britta Aragon

With over a decade of experience as a transformative life coach, business mentor, a Course in Miracles Teacher, and Stress Release Somatic Practitioner, Britta empowers her clients to break free from the chains of fear and limitation and step boldly into the life and business of their dreams. A Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer survivor, Britta wrote her first book, When Cancer Hits, in 2012. At 40, Britta took her own huge leap of faith, leaving her marriage, selling her skincare line and business, and put all her belongings from her NYC apartment in a storage unit except two suitcases. Over the next 18 months, she solo traveled to 12 countries and reclaimed the life her soul was searching for as she built her successful life & business coaching and retreat company, Detox Your Life Inc. Now, a single vibrant woman living in Miami, Florida, Britta spends her days walking the beach, practicing yoga, traveling the globe and planning her world-class destination retreats. Britta’s work has been featured in People En Español, US Weekly, Telemundo 52, Real Simple Magazine, Allure, Vogue, Refinery 29, and more.




Book a call with Britta to see if this is right for you and to discuss all payment options. If after your initial call, it’s a fit and you are invited to join the Somatic Business Building Incubator, Britta will explain the enrollment process.

Spaces are limited to 10 souls and demand is high for this life-changing experience.
We start June 5th, 2024. 

Let’s have a chat to discuss what’s possible for you. 

Standing for your dream and rooting for you!
Bri XO 💜