6-Month Private Mentorship

Now open for enrollment via discovery call with Britta

Imagine this for a moment...

There's a big giant mountain in front of you, and at the top of this mountain, you see the other version of yourself. The higher version, the embodied version. The version of you that does all the things that you know you wish and want to be doing, but just haven’t started doing yet.

I know you are aware of this mountain, and of your higher self.

But I also know you have this feeling when you’re staring up at that mountain, and it feels like it’s going to take the sum of five years to get to the lifestyle that you want to live?

Here’s a radical concept: all we all really truly need is six months of really intentional, focused action in order to see the type of change that we really want to have in our lives! This is more than enough time that we need instead 5 fickle, uncommitted and undecided years.

You and I both know that if you have a week to do something, like write a speech, then it will take you exactly a week to write a speech. But if I told you that you needed to have a speech ready for tomorrow, you would take tonight and you would be able to write probably the same length of speech and just as good that you would write in a week.


Because usually the amount of time that we have to do something is the amount of time it takes us to do something.

So you decide!

There’s this thing that our brain does when something isn’t perceived as urgent, or needing to be done right away, or important in our lives where we think… “oh, I have three days to do that or a week to do that and then our brain goes okay so it’s gonna take me roughly a whole week to get there”.

But nine times out of ten, all the work gets done the night before anyway.

So if we take that theory and zoom out on life, we’ll notice that a lot of the big changes, big dreams, big desires that we want to experience and have or blocks that might want to shift or change in our lives… it might feel like it would take a five year version of us to get there, but in all reality, if we make A DECISION and give ourselves six months of intentional, focused work with support to hold us accountable and 100% or 200% commitment, then we’re gonna see way more changes and results in those six months than we would if we half-way commit for the next five years.

It’s a decision to be done with being half-way committed. You get to declare you are done and you are ready for a new way. Then the universe aligns with you to make that happen.

You know you have complete control over what you choose to do with those six months.

And commitment takes daily re-commitment. That’s how you stay committed. It’s a one day at a time process.

I’m not talking about:

“I’m gonna try next week/I’m gonna start again on Monday/I’m gonna start again on August 1st/I’ll start again on September 1st”

….because the more you do that, the more you are just pushing off living the life that I really want to live.

This becomes a habit or procrastination that kills your true desires, joy and dreams.

The good news is that you can create a new habit. And that is one of dissolving the blocks getting in the way to taking action for what you truly desire to see and to make the changes you know you need to make!

And we do this with accountability and support, because up until now, you haven’t been able to reach your next level on your own. We have blind spots that we can’t see when we are going to our next level. Lack of support is one of the main blocks as to why we aren’t able to finish what we start, or make the changes we know we need to make or create and realize the desires in our hearts.

If there’s a big authentic and important goal that you have or change you need to make, I’m not saying that it has to be completed in six months.

I’m just saying that six months of focus and intention — literally tapping into it every single day, not letting our usual excuses, distractions or limiting beliefs stop us— just committing to six months of that, we could be astounded by the amount of things that we could get done and who we could become!

Think of the amount of moves that you could make, and the amount of change that could create in your life!
Woohooo! 🎉

Whatever the thing (or things) you want to change or create are, you can achieve it by mapping it out, the right support, increasing your capacity to hold it, a new belief system and dedicated routine focus.

Master this master your life!

To support you in this journey of making change a reality for you, I have created a very sacred and powerful 6 month mentorship container to support you to breakthrough to your next level year.

In this 6-Month 1:1 Private Mentorship Program we will:

  • Meet for 1:1 private sessions twice a month to do powerful and transformative work to uplevel your life and /or business.

  • Do deeply transformative and powerful work which includes energy management, sessions to activate your most authentic vision, A Course in Miracles sessions, somatic work to release trauma, a proprietary 3-step fear detox process that will liberate you on all levels, strategy to uplevel on all areas, clearing old belief systems, capacity work and mapping out your year ahead while we dismantle the blocks that arise that keep you from doing and having what you say you want, getting to the root of why you don’t finish and more….

  • Unlimited access to me via Voxer for 6 months

  • Worksheets and PDF’s of all the work so you can revisit anytime in future.

  • Accountability for 6 months to keep you on track.

  • Advanced access and VIP pricing to all international retreats hosted by Britta and her team (Retreat Coming: in 2024 Cairo & Luxor -Egypt)

This is a journey that will help you release the past and build a new design for living for all areas of your life based on your most authentic truth! It’s a container to support you to finally do, have and be all that you desire!!

This is for YOU, if you want to...

Cultivate a daily reprogramming practice to let go of old belief systems and fears so that you can move through the world full of vibrancy, peace, ease and abundance.
Reclaim your power by shifting your state of mind as we start to reverse cultural conditioning and personal programming
Train your vibration to reside in flow and ease. You will practice staying there even when the outside world wants to distract you so that you consistently exude a higher frequency of balance, peace and aliveness which will make you glow!
Activate and energize your personal Spiritual Vision of Greatness so you can start to live from this new paradigm
️Develop massive self-trust, build a bulletproof mindset and master decision-making so you can step fully and successfully into your life’s purpose.
Strengthen your nervous system by restoring your neurology to its natural and optimal biochemical state of safety and receptivity. The main reason we do not have what we truly desire is because the nervous system and physical body have been conditioned to feel uncomfortable having it. In order to be able to receive more, the nervous system needs to “remember” how to feel safe enough to have it. This is a very important piece to address that will allow you to break glass ceilings in the amount of love, abundance, peace and joy that you will allow yourself to receive.
Prayer and listening by restoring the bond to your true and only source for all things and experiences. Disconnection from our own personal higher power is one of the biggest blocks to a life of joy, peace and flow. Prayer and listening opens up our most important channel of communication and reinstates our capacities for intuition, insight and massive self-trust.
Scale or start your business as we create a vision plan and action plan for you to start to execute.
Finally do/have the things you keep procrastinating on, it’s time to live the life you want and no longer make excuses or get distracted. You will master the skill of living intentionally.

And more...

What past clients have said about working with Britta:

I believe that in order to have a deep, sustainable transformation in body, mind and spirit and to experience fully integrated, deeply rooted and lasting change we must address 7 Key Pillars of Transformation.

Self-Purification >

Identifying, dismantling and releasing any low frequency thoughts, emotions and energies in the body, mind and heart that will continue to block the flow of creative energy and personal power.

Break, dissolve and release ancestral patterns >

Cultivating “permission” from ourselves to heal bloodline issues and change and/or transcend belief systems from our ancestors so that we stop repeating the same destructive patterns over and over. In order to stop passing these outdated beliefs and behaviors down, we break them now and create a new narrative for those that have gone before us and those who will go after us.

Strengthen the nervous system >

Restoring our neurology to its natural and optimal biochemical state of safety and receptivity. The main reason we do not have what we truly desire is because the nervous system and physical body have been conditioned to feel uncomfortable having it. In order to be able to receive more, the nervous system needs to “remember” how to feel safe enough to have it. This is a very important piece to address that will allow you to break glass ceilings in the amount of love, abundance, peace and joy that you will allow yourself to receive.

Conscious movement >

Moving our attention and love back to home base in our body. Our issues are in our tissues. Conscious movement via dance supports us to remove energy blocks, liberate trapped energy, reconnect mind and body, reawaken creativity, strengthen the nervous system, fortify our auras and use our temples to deeply heal and feel joy!

Prayer and listening >

Restoring the bond to our true and only source for all things and experiences. Disconnection from our own personal higher power is one of the biggest blocks to a life of joy, peace and flow. Prayer and listening opens up our most important channel of communication and reinstates our capacities for intuition, insight and massive self-trust.

Restore the body’s natural rhythm >

Getting the body’s multiple systems back to their natural state of health is an important aspect of thriving. We must cater both our inner conditions and outer environments to support and honor our unique biochemical and spiritual compositions.

Aligned, continuous action towards avenues of abundance, joy and expansion >

Activating clarity, authentic vision, resource stewardship and consistency are keys to the highest expression of life. Success is a consequence of what we choose and how we choose in each and every moment. When we have a clear plan that is aligned with our passion, joy and purpose AND we are taking continued steps towards the unfoldment of this plan we create an unbreakable freedom and richness in life and we can live as the person we were born to be.

During this 6-month healing journey you will also be held accountable to doing a daily practice of reprogramming your mind, meditation, and journaling, as well as eliminating foods and toxic behaviors that lower your vibration so that you can shift your energy and frequency and be ready to receive all the abundance that is waiting for you!

The bonuses are BEYOND amazing...

BONUS #1 (Valued at $2997)

Detox Your Life Library which includes over 50+ hours of my best trainings and activations that are custom-designed to be a bridge and initiation for you to transform and step into feeling renewed, rebirthed, spacious, grounded, and anchored into a high vibration ready to emerge out of our 6 month private work with a new perception, confidence and excitement to create a new reality.

BONUS #2 (Valued at $997)

5-Week Detox Your Blocks Course
The five biggest blocks to finishing strong on you goals and stepping into your dreams (and how to break through them!)

If this sounds like something you want to learn more about….including details and pricing, let’s talk! Because I only have space to take 6 private clients through this mentorship, the initial call will be an interview process so you can get to know me and I can get to know you and make sure we are the right fit!

There’s a version of you six months from now that already exists. You could pretty much draft up that person in your mind right now.

There are two versions of you that you could land on: a version of you where nothing changes, and a version of you where everything changes. The difference between which one you end up with is completely down to you, and either way those six months are gonna go by.

I am here to support you in creating the highest version of your reality.

There comes a time where we are finally ready to live differently. Where we are sick and tired of the way we have been living or what we have been believing.

This is your time. Decide and let’s create your best year ever!

Who could you be in 6 months?

The world is waiting for him or her.

Let’s do this beautiful being!

BRITTA ARAGON is a passionate Master Purpose + Vision Coach and Founder of Detox Your Life, Inc. She often does a deep dive helping students dismantle their fears and self-limiting beliefs so they can create a life beyond their wildest dreams. A Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer survivor, Britta wrote her first book, When Cancer Hits, in 2012. At 40, Britta took her own huge leap of faith, leaving her marriage, selling her skincare line and business, and put all her belongings from her NYC apartment in a storage unit except two suitcases. Over the next 18 months, she solo traveled to 12 countries and reclaimed the life her soul was searching for as she built her successful coaching and retreat company, Detox Your Life Inc. Now, a single vibrant woman living in Miami, Florida, Britta spends her days walking the beach, planning her world-class destination retreats, and guiding souls to break glass ceilings so they can live their most authentic truth and vision. Britta’s work has been featured in Organic Spa Magazine, People En Espanol, US Weekly, Telemundo 52, Real Simple Magazine, Fashion Magazine, Allure, Vogue, Refinery 29 and more.

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